- Super Galvanising launches new continuous galvanizing rebar line
Super Galvanising launched its first continuous galvanizing rebar (CGR) line at its operations in Dubai, UAE. CGR is a new process for protecting steel reinforcing bar (rebar) used in concrete. Using a zinc coating, CGR provides superior corrosion protection for concrete structures at significant cost savings.
- Adding a small amount of aluminum (0.2%) to the zinc bath, the CGR coating process produces a coating that is almost pure zinc and adheres very well to the steel enabling the coated bar to be bent, without cracking or flaking of the coating. All grades of steel including normal and high strength steels can be galvanized.
- The CGR process is very similar to continuous galvanized sheet steel. The steel bars are immersed only a few seconds in the zinc bath resulting in a high-quality coating that provides excellent corrosion protection and very formable coated bars that can be bent to tight radii. "Our new line is producing continuously galvanized rebar that is a superior product with several key technical advantages and that is a lower cost than other alternatives. This product will set the standard for corrosion resistant rebar in concrete structures," said Mr. Steven Quah, CEO of Super Galvanising.
- The CGR process has recently been developed with support from International Zinc Association. CGR meets ISO 14657 "Zinc Coated steel for the reinforcement of concrete".
- Source:http://www.zinc.org/general/Super_Galvanising_launches_new_continuous_galvanizing_rebar_line.pdf
- WTO ruled China unfairly limits export of nine raw materials
The World Trade Organization ruled that China unfairly limited exports of nine raw materials with the purpose of protecting domestic manufacturers. The raw materials include bauxite, coke, fluorspar, magnesium, manganese, silicon carbide, silicon metal, yellow phosphorus and zinc. WTO requires that China must reduce export tariffs immediately and relieve the export quotas. From 2013, China's Ministry of Commerce canceled export tariffs and quota restrictions for some of the products.
- Environmental protection in the zinc industry is continually improving
- The main pollution sources from zinc are zinc mining, melting processing, machinery manufacturing, galvanization, instruments and meters, organic synthesis, the paper industry and other industrial emissions. Automobile tire wear, dust and smoke from the burning of coal and waste water all contain zinc and compounds of zinc. In recent years, as heavy metal pollution occurred frequently, environmental protection within the zinc industry has been continually improving.
- Zinc in Denture Cream May Be Risky
- It is known that zinc has long been added to denture cream to improve its adhesive properties. The FDA has received a letter which was sent to denture-adhesive manufacturers. It pointed to "numerous reports of adverse events related to the use of denture creams", which might mean zinc toxicity. And the FDA showed that these adverse events might be due to zinc.
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