- Ucore Rare Metals Inc.: major events
- 1. Ucore Grants Incentive Stock
June 30, 2014 – Halifax, Nova Scotia – Ucore Rare Metals Inc. (TSX-V:UCU) ("Ucore" or "the Company") advised that an aggregate of 500,000 options had been granted to consultants of the Company, subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. The options were exercisable at a price of $0.32 per share and would expire five years from June 30, 2014. One third of the options would vest after six months, with one third vesting every six months thereafter until fully vested.
- Included in the above total are 200,000 options which had been granted to Star Finance GmbH, an investor relations firm based in Switzerland which provides investor relations services to the Company.
- 2. Alaska Governor Parnell Signs Senate Bill Authorizing Financing for Bokan Mine Construction
- June 18, 2014 – Halifax, Nova Scotia – Ucore Rare Metals Inc. commented on the signing by Alaska Governor Sean Parnell of legislation authorizing the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) to provide financing to the Bokan – Dotson Ridge Project in Southeast Alaska.
- Senate Bill 99 (SB99), which was passed unanimously by the State legislature, was officially signed by the Governor in front of a highly attended meeting of the Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce and Rotary.
- 3. Alaska Legislature Unanimously Approves $145 Million Bond Funding Legislation for Ucore's Bokan-Dotson Ridge
- April 28, 2014 – Halifax, Nova Scotia – Ucore Rare Metals Inc. commented on the passage of Senate Bill 99 ("SB 99" or "the Bill") by the Alaska State Legislature in a unanimous vote, with all 38 representatives in attendance voting in favor of the Bill.
- 4. Ucore Announces Closing of Final Tranche of Non-brokered Private Placement for Cumulative Total Proceeds of $7.88
- April 17, 2014 – Ucore Rare Metals Inc. announced that further to its news releases dated April 11, 2014 and April 16, 2014 it had closed the final tranche of a non-brokered private placement ("Private Placement") by issuing 2,050,000 units ("Units") at $0.38 per Unit for gross proceeds of $779,000, resulting in cumulative gross proceeds for the Private Placement of $7,878,126. Each Unit consists of one common share in the capital of the Company ("Common Share") and one common share purchase warrant ("Warrant"). Each Warrant issued as part of the final tranche entitles the holder to acquire one Common Share at a price of $0.50 until April 17, 2017.
- 5. Ucore Announces Resource Upgrade for Bokan
HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA–(Oct. 21, 2013) - Ucore Rare Metals Inc. announced an upgraded resource estimate ("Resource" or "Mineral Resource") for the Bokan Dotson-Ridge rare earth element ("REE") project in Southeast Alaska. The upgraded resource has been prepared by Aurora Geosciences (Alaska) Ltd. of Juneau, Alaska ("Aurora"). As a third-party consultant, Aurora was additionally responsible for the data collection, quality control, modeling, and reporting associated with the Resource estimate upgrade.
- 6. US Department of Defense Contracted With Ucore for Metallurgical & SPE Studies
- October 1, 2012 – Halifax, Nova Scotia – Ucore Rare Metals Inc. announced that the United States Department of Defense (DOD) had contracted with Ucore via the Company’s US operating subsidiary Landmark Alaska L.P. to conduct a mineralogical and metallurgical study on the Company's Bokan Mountain heavy REE property in Southeast Alaska. The program, to be managed by DOD under the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) would focus on possible development of Bokan Mountain, America's largest NI 43-101 compliant heavy rare earth resource, to meet the requirements of the Department of Defense for an ongoing supply of critical heavy REE's. Under the agreement, Ucore would provide DOD with the most up-to-date data on the Bokan project's mineralogy and proprietary bench and pilot scale Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) nanotechnology research.
- 7. Ucore Confirmed Effectiveness of SP Technology to Remove 99% of U and Th Impurities
- HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA (Aug. 13, 2012) - Ucore Rare Metals Inc. announced the completion of separation studies on samples from the Bokan Mountain deposit on Prince of Wales Island in Alaska, USA. The studies, undertaken by IntelliMet LLC of Missoula, Montana, represent one of the final components required for the release of a comprehensive Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA), due shortly.
- A representative sample of Bokan Mountain mineralized material was used for bench-scale tests to determine the viability of the processing regime. Leaching tests of the rare earth rock products were followed by a purification process that was successful in removing impurities from the leach solutions prior to precipitation of a bulk mixed rare earth element concentrate.
- 8. Ucore Confirmed Effectiveness of XRT Ore Sorting at Production Scale
- March 6, 2012 – Halifax, Nova Scotia – Ucore Rare Metals Inc. announced the completion of bulk scale ore sorting beneficiation studies on samples from the Bokan Mountain deposit on Prince of Wales Island in Alaska, USA.
- Three one tonne samples from alternative locations within the deposit were sent to Commodas Ultrasort of Wedel, Germany and processed by a full-scale production dual energy x-ray transmission sorter. Results show that 46% of the feed could be rejected as waste with 93% recovery of rare earth oxides. This indicates the potential to have a significant positive effect on the capital and operating costs of the project. Further tests are underway to see if these results can be further refined.
- 9. Ucore Released Rare Earth Mobile Applications
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada – (Feb 2, 2012) Ucore Rare Metals Inc. announced the release of two mobile software applications ("Apps") that would introduce and educate investors regarding historical and current uses of Rare Earth Elements, while providing additional up to date information on international REE market prices. The free Apps are now available for both Apple (iOS) and Android devices.
- 10. Ucore Appointed Collison as Chief Operating Officer
January 4, 2011 – Ucore Rare Metals Inc. announced the appointment of Ken Collison as Chief Operating Officer. Mr. Collison held a B.Sc. in Mining Engineering from the University of Saskatchewan and a Masters of Engineering in Mining from the University of Saskatchewan. He was the Chief Operating Officer of Blue Pearl Mining/Thompson Creek Metals from 2005 to 2009, and was part of the team that purchased Thompson Creek Metals and built it into one of North America's premier molybdenum producers. He has previously held the positions of Vice President at Crandon Mining Corporation and Coeur Alaska, the Alaskan subsidiary of Coeur d’Alene Mines. He has extensive experience in mining operations, permitting and preparation of mining feasibility studies.
- Source: http://ucore.com/press-releases
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