- Lead is widely used in batteries, cable sheaths, machinery manufacturing, shipbuilding, light industry, lead oxide, radiation protection and other industries.

- The main application for lead is in the battery production industry, with vehicle batteries accounting for 80% of the total within the industry. Other types of battery are produced for motorcycles, planes, tanks, trains, tractors, factories, energy, wharves and export.
- Source: http://www.expertsmind.com/questions/chemical-action-in-lead-acid-battery-30111769.aspx-Chemical action in lead acid battery, Physics-Experts Minds.com
- Years ago, lead was used in the cable sheath industry, but due to its high density and toxicity, it has gradually been replaced by plastic and some other materials.

- Lead is made into bearing alloys, solder alloys and abrasive alloys in machinery manufacturing.
As lead has corrosion resistance, it can be made into lead plate, plumbing and other alloy materials to protect ships from marine corrosion in shipbuilding.
- Since ancient times, lead was used as a writing tool, and nowadays it is still used for cultural items, electric light sources, everyday hardware etc.
Lead oxide is mainly used for battery paste in lead-acid batteries, as well as in the production of plastic stabilizers, rubber vulcanization agents, ceramic glaze additives, ray proof glass, optical glass and crystal glass, and various kinds of paints, coatings etc.
- As lead has radiation resistance, it can be used by hospital personnel and some other workers who work in high radiation environments to protect them from its effects. In addition, it can also be used in the post and telecommunications industries, metallurgy, chemical industry, railways, transportation, construction, weapons, aerospace, aviation, oil and other industries.
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