- Lead: industry associations and famous companies
- The International lead association (ILA)
The International Lead Association (ILA) is a focused and dynamic organisation dedicated to serving lead producers and other companies that have a direct interest in lead and its uses.
- With resources located in London, North Carolina and Washington, the ILA provides a mix of technical, scientific and communications support from staff and specialist consultants including chemists, electrochemists, toxicologists and environmental specialists.
- The ILA's roots stem from the Lead Development Association, which was founded in 1946 primarily to support market development. Today its role is much broader and the association is very much focused on all aspects of the industry’s safe production, use and recycling of lead.
- Source: http://www.ila-lead.org/
- The International Lead and Zinc Study Group (ILZSG)
- ILZSG was formed by the United Nations in 1959 to:
- - Provide opportunities for regular intergovernmental consultations on international trade in lead and zinc;
- - Provide continuous information on the supply and demand position of lead and zinc and its probable development and to make special studies of the world situation in lead and zinc;
- - Consider possible solutions to any problems or difficulties which are unlikely to be resolved in the ordinary development of world trade.
- The Study Group is one of the longest established International Commodity Organisations and as such has been the role model for other bodies such as the International Nickel Study Group and the International Copper Study Group.
- Source: http://www.ilzsg.org/static/home.aspx
- The Lead Development Association International (LDAI)
- The Lead Development Association International (LDAI) represents companies and associations which are concerned with the safe production, use and disposal of lead and lead products.
- It also acts as a trade association for those involved in the lead industry, representing its members at UK, European and International levels. With 50 years' experience behind it, LDA International is dedicated to safeguarding the interests of the industry and customers it serves.
- Source: http://www.chinweb.com.cn/cgi-bin/chemport/getfiler.cgi?ID=sdlSJFtotyLmYEXRpCwEAs29nazywfbPgYrKRlE38r3DZ7GCJiKGEwUviqG38Qvm&VER=C
- Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Co., Ltd (NONFEMET)
- China Non-ferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd (NFC)
- Henan Yuguang Gold and Lead Group Co., Ltd
- United States:
- St. Joe Minerals Corporation
- Desloge Consolidated Lead Company
- NL Industries
- Doe Run
- Canada
- Teck Resources
- Australia:
- Cannington
- BHP (Billiton)
- Korea
- Korea Zinc
- UK
- Xstrata
- Vedanta Resources
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