- REE: industry associations and famous companies
- Association of China Rare Earth Industry
The Association of China Rare Earth Industry was set up on 8th April, 2012 with the aim of spurring healthy development in the sector.
- The association, consisting of 155 members that include industry giants Aluminum Corporation of China and China Minmetals Corporation, was formed to promote sustainable and sound development in the sector, said Su Bo, vice minister of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) which governs the association.
- The association will work to form a reasonable price mechanism and to create a win-win situation for developers and consumers through its coordination efforts. Members of the association range across the industrial chain, including mining, smelting and splitting, which will make communications and negotiations easier within the association. The association will actively provide support and services for relevant departments and local government, help maintain order in the sector, facilitate exchange and cooperation between enterprises to spur innovation, and coordinate efforts to cope with international trade frictions and disputes.
- Introduction of the Chinese Society of Rare Earths (CSRE)
- The Chinese Society of Rare Earths (CSRE), founded in 1980, is a rare earth scientific and technological researchers' organization in China. There are more than 100,000 registered experts in CSRE, which is the biggest academic community on rare earth.
- Besides serving the government and researchers on the science and technology of rare earths, CSRE provide a stage for rare earth scientists to exchange their research ideas, propose scientific and technical plans on fundamental and applied fields on rare earths, as well as rare earth R&D plans for industry. CSRE is therefore the most important social force in developing rare earth science and technology in China.
- The United States Magnetic Materials Association
- The mission of the United States Magnetic Materials Association is to promote secure, reliable production of the entire supply chain for rare earths and other materials used in magnet production to serve U.S. defense and energy needs.
- Source: http://www.usmagneticmaterials.com/
- Ganzhou Rare Earth Association
- Shanghai Rare Earth Association
- Inner Mongolia Rare Earth Industry Association
- Rare Earth Industry and Technology Association
- China:
Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-Earth (group) Hi-tech Co., Ltd
- Ganzhou Rare Earth Group.Co.,Ltd
- Rising Nonferrous Metals Share Co.,Ltd
- Aluminum Corporation of China Ltd
- China Minmetals Corporation
- China Nonferrous Metal Industry's Foreign Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd
- Great Western Minerals Group Ltd.
- United States:
- Molybdenum Corporation of America
- Rare Element Resources
- Ucore Rare Metals INC
- Australia:
- Lynas Corporation LTD
- Germany:
- Tantalus Rare Earths AG
- Canada:
- Avalon Rare Metals
- Quest Rare Minerals Ltd
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